Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sabbath Day -- Pondering

I consider myself a religious person.  I am Christian, of the Latter-day Saint persuasion.  I know that there are many out there who don't consider "Mormons" to be Christian but I assure you that that is incorrect.

Today I was reading about a man who brought his son to Christ to be healed.  Jesus asked him if he believed it could be done and the man said that he did...and then he said a curious thing..." thou my unbelief."

I thought that was very interesting, and until today I just didn't get it.  Today the lights went on and I think I understand it now.

Christ taught that all it takes is the faith of a mustard seed to be able to move mountains.  That is a tiny thing, a mustard seed. But if we move from the "mustard seed" instead of the vast space of doubt all around it, we can accomplish anything.  I think today that is called a "can do" attitude.  I like that.

I know this is a simple lesson...but it took me 57 years to get it.  I think there is hope for me.

This is one of the things I love...the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I know He lives, and that He loves you and me.

Onward and Upward!

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