I guess I was so busy getting ready for the Holiday Sale and Christmas that I just didn't take the time to sit at the computer.
The sale was wonderful. I surpassed last year's sales by almost half again. That is nice. It gives me hope as a potter. I loved it when a gentleman came to my table and picked up a few of my larger bowls and handled each one thoughtfully. He kept picking up one particular bowl. Finally he set all the others aside and ran his hands over this one bowl, turned it over and caressed it some more, then he held it to his chest with his arms around it and said, "This feels GOOD!" and he bought it. I know that bowl is loved wherever it ended up. It makes me smile every time I think about that.
This is a walk around my little table...

This sale happens every year the two days following Thanksgiving day. It is put on by Clay Arts Utah. I feel honored to have been involved for the last two years. I love rubbing shoulders with all of the amazing artists that participate each year, Johnny Hughs (the pollywog potter), David Socwell, Joshua Flicker, Jim Simister, Greg Smith, Alyssa Bray,Victoria Acoba, etc.
Potters are such awesome people.
Once the sale was over I got busy settling Christmas. Some of my gifts look like this:

This is just a sampling. But I sure had fun giving my babies new homes.
I filled an order for shave mugs, too. I made the mugs and my daughter, Bronwen, made the soap to fill them. We had such fun.
This is how some of them turned out.

After Christmas I got to do something that I had put off for months. Something that filled me with fear and trepidation. Something that I am so happy to finished with that now I sleep so much better. Something that caused such delight and smiles from my granddaughter that I don't know why I put it off...except that I really didn't know how in the world I was going to do it. I finally called on my powers of recollection and pulled forward the brain file that has all the Donna Dewberry videos I ever watched and just DID it.
My little granddaughter loves sleeping in her strawberry patch.
Now, I know that I am not an artist...no one can say they have ever heard me claim otherwise. But this effort made her happy and so I am happy.
Moving on...
I hope to become a better photographer of my pottery. I am still learning so much.
I have another room to do a painting on...my other granddaughter wants a fairy house added to the garden that is already on her walls...and she wants to help. This is going to be an interesting adventure...one that will be taken before the month is out.
The new year brings much hope and happiness for our family. I pray that it does for yours also.
Onward and Upward!!!
i think the strawberry patch is great!