Saturday, July 5, 2014

Birthday! 4th of July! New Book Came!!

My birthday was so stretched over several days.  THE day was spent in the pottery studio.  I thought I would be alone but happily there were several other die-hard potters there. I say that because the studio was technically closed for the holiday.

And my book arrived...the one I ordered...the one by Ben Behunin...this one!

It was waiting for me when I got home from the lovely day I had.

I got to spend my birthday in my favorite place.  I liked that.  And then I got to get cleaned up and was treated to a delicious steak dinner by my youngest son and his family!  How sweet is THAT!?!

Yesterday was the 4th of July and my family carried the birthday celebration over.  We had wonderful grilled delicacies a la Joseph (my son-in-law) and the cake was ever cuz it was entirely from scatch...watermelon, fresh fruit salad, green salad, roasted corn on the cob, potato salad, etc.  Oh, and the hamburger and hot dog buns were made from scratch also!  DElightful!

After dinner all the little ones got excited about the fireworks!

The really nice part...and my favorite that we were ALL together.  That is what makes any special day the MOST special.  Family and being together.

I just want to say thank you to my wonderful children!  They are the best on the planet!

Here's to Growing and Glowing!!
Onward and Upward!!

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